Infrequently Asked Questions

Is there a cost?

No. Although as the King's Arms kindly hosts the night, buying a drink (lots of choices are available, including non-alcoholic drinks) is always appreciated.

What time do you start?

We meet up about 7.30pm and we're usually in full swing by about 8pm. For jam dates, see the calendar page.

What's the format?

It's a very casual session. We tend to each pick a song from the songbook in turn, and on a typical night everyone who wants to choose gets a couple of choices of song to play. There are no bad choices and no solo efforts - all songs are played as a group.

Can I join if I am a complete beginner?

Of course! Although you might enjoy it more if you learn a few basic chords first (C, F, G and Am will get you through at least half the night). There are some great resources on YouTube and websites like Ukulele Underground.

Can I bring another instrument?

Kazoos and harmonicas are always very welcome, plus guest instruments on occasion.

Can you really play "Sorted for E's & Wizz" on a ukulele?

Oh yes.

Is there parking at the pub?

Check out for more info about the pub.

Oh no, I can't make the dates! Are there any other ukulele clubs in the area?

There is a lovely ukulele jam over in Billingshurst, details can be found at